bed bugs how to identify bed bugs and how to get rid of them

Bed bugs are known to travel from one place to another by furniture, bedding, luggage, boxes, and your clothing also.

Bed bugs how to identify bed bugs and how to get rid of them, bed bug images

Did you know what is the food of these little creatures?

Answer is your blood that’s right my friend they feed on blood every five to ten days but they can survive up to 1 year without feeding. And a single female bug can lay down up to 500 eggs did you not think that this is a big amount.

Before you get frustrated much enough to leave the house try these steps to get rid of them permanently.

What the hack is this bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are fall in the category of parasite. an insect that feed blood to survive they usually comes out at night. These insects are brownish in colour and in terms of size is about a size of an apple seed. In homes cimex lectularius and cimex himipterus type of bed bugs are found and can lay over thousands of eggs in a life time.

Unlike other parasite like ticks, mosquitoes bed bugs can’t fly to their food source. So, they hide out near their food source until it safe to come out and do a party.

Some interesting facts about bed bugs:

  1. Their saliva contains mild anesthetic
  2. Bed bugs can feed up to seven times more than their own body weight.
  3. Bed bugs have extremely sharp instincts
  4. They only feed on a live host. Spilled or cold blood do not appeal to them.
  5. They can survive in temperatures as low as 7°C (45°F) and as high as 45°C (or approximately 120 degrees Fahrenheit).
  6. The life cycle of a bed bug ranges from 4 to 6 months. Some may even live up to a year in perfect environment.
  7. They can live literally anywhere, including cars, hotels and table where you work.
  8. To produce more bed bugs, they need to feed once in every 14 days.

Difference between fleas and bed bugs?

Bed bugs are commonly found in human area and in the other hand flea are more likely to attack furry animals and they can jump up to 30 cm. and bed bugs can’t jump or fly.

Where do bed bugs bite?

Usually unlike flea bite which are found on the lower part of your body, bed bugs can bite any part of your body

such as: -

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Legs

Symptoms shown after bed bugs Bite

Usually in most of the cases there is no symptoms shown after a bed bug bite just like a red dot after a mosquito bite. But if some one is allergic to this then then may they can experience these: -

  • Red itchy bump with a dark center
  • Itchy bump with a clear center
  • Small red bump surrounded by blisters
  • Burning sensation

What is the Treatment of bed bug bites?

If a bed bug bites you will notice itchiness in that area, or an allergic reaction will occur in that particular area. It is not dangerous or contagious but try not to scratch that area it will increase the risk of infection.

Relive you skin with these: -

  • Anti-histamine
  • Anti-itch cream, if itching is there
  • Over the counter hydrocortisone
  •  After some time, it will heal itself. If not then consult a Doctor.

How to find bed bugs?

Bed bugs are the tiniest creatures and that makes it very hard to find them. And they can fit in to any cracks and hide until you sleep. After that they come out to feed your blood.

Some easy ways to find bed bugs are: -

  • Dark spots on fabric
  • If you see them live
  • Eggs and eggshells (They are about 1mm in size)
  • Rusty or reddish stain which are usually blood stains

Where do Bed bug hide?

It can hide in any place between the cushions between the cracks any where they want. But they come out only in night to feed blood and hide in in the day time. Here are some common areas where you can find them: -

  • In the folded curtains
  • Drawer joint
  • Between cushions
  • Inside electrical outlet
  • Mattress
  • Door frames
  • Bed legs
  • Bed joints

How to get rid of bed bugs?

It will continuously torture you both physically and mentally if you don’t get rid of them. Here are some natural methods to get rid of them: -

1. Freezing

Seal the item and place it in the fridge for at least 10 hours. But make sure the item is freezer friendly.

2. Use of vacuum

Vacuum your linen and bed as often as possible. After vacuuming open it far away from your house. Repeat it more often.

3. Baking soda

Spread baking soda around all cracks and joints of bed spread it using a brush. It will kill the bed bugs and their eggs.

4. Repairing all the cracks

Repair all the cracks it will prevent bed bugs to hide in.

5. Seal the mattress

Seal the entire mattress which you think is infested with bed bugs. What it do is eventually they die in there as they can only live half an year without food.

6. Wash all your linen

Wash all the linen, mattress, curtain in hot water or washing machine and place them in hot dryer for at least 30 minutes or in the sunlight for whole day.

7. Dry your mattresses in sunlight

Yes, it can also help you to get rid of them dry everything in the sunlight for a day or two.

8.  Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol will dissolve the outer cell of the insects and making it the most effective method to use.

9. Silica gel

You have seen this in many products t helps to get rid of moisture. Crush it in the grinder and spread it in the infested room don’t try this if you have kids or pets inside the house.

10. Use of neem oil

It is not the most effective way but spreading it in the furniture may help somehow.


Hope these things will help you to get rid of bed bugs share it with your friends and let us know in the comments that which method helped you the most.